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How To Apply

Start your journey with us by reaching out to our admissions team without delay. This will secure your place at the forefront of the line for enrollment opportunities and waitlist considerations.

To initiate your admissions process:

  • Engage with our admissions team to arrange a convenient phone call or tour.
  • Connect with a member of our admissions team to beginning of your application journey.
  • Complete the necessary admissions paperwork as per your age group.
  • Participate in admissions testing after registering.
  • For those applicable, partake in a Visit/Shadow Day or interview to get better acquainted with our institution.

To learn more about the admissions process at Brookfield School, please select the grade level that applies to you:



Preschool (starting at 9 months) through Pre-Kindergarten admission is based on a birthdate of September 1st. Students will be placed classrooms based on the age they turn during that calendar year.

The following instructions will help guide you through your child’s application process.  The staff of the Admissions Office is available to answer any questions you may have to help you through this process.

  • Submit a Request For Information to schedule a visit of our campus, or schedule a telephone conversation with our admissions office. This ensures your request will be handled as quickly as possible. 
  • Visit Brookfield's TLC
  • Submit an Online Application
  • When filling out the application you will need to complete and submit/upload the following:
  • Copy of birth certificate (required)
  • Copy of immunization records (required)
  • Well Child Check (required)

After those steps have been taken, our admissions team will evaluate each candidate based on the application, the candidate’s school record, teacher recommendations, interviews and academic testing.



The following instructions will help guide you through your child’s application process.  The staff of the Admissions Office is available to answer any questions you may have to help you through this process.

  • Submit a Request For Information to schedule a visit of our campus, or schedule a telephone conversation with our admissions office. This ensures your request will be handled as quickly as possible. 
  • Visit the Brookfield School Elementary Campus 
  • Submit an Online Application
  • When filling out the application you will need to complete and submit/upload the following:
    • Copy of birth certificate (required)
    • Current and past year grade report or transcript (where applicable)
    • Current standardized test scores (where applicable) 
    • Admissions Testing
      • Kindergarten-5th Grade testing – Upon receipt of the completed application and required forms, the Admissions Office will contact you to schedule an appointment.
    • Participate in a Shadow Day (Grades 1st- 5th)

In addition to getting to know the student during the interview and application process, we recommend that students participate in a Shadow Day.  This gives students an opportunity to experience what a typical day is like at the Brookfield School campus they are applying to. 

After those steps have been taken, our admissions team will evaluate each candidate based on the application, the candidate’s school record, teacher recommendations, interviews and academic testing.



The following instructions will help guide you through your child’s application process.  The staff of the Admissions Office is available to answer any questions you may have to help you through this process.

  • Submit a Request For Information to schedule a visit of our campus, or schedule a telephone conversation with our admissions office. This ensures your request will be handled as quickly as possible. 
  • Visit the Brookfield Middle School Campus 
  • Submit an Online Application
    • When filling out the application you will need to complete and submit/upload the following:
    • Copy of birth certificate (required)
    • Current and past 2 years’ grade report or transcript
    • Current standardized test scores
    • Writing sample 
    • Immunization records
    • Submit required academic forms
  • You will also be required to download and submit the following forms to your child’s current school for completion:
    • Completed/signed Parent Authorization for Release of Records Form
    • Head of School or School Counselor Recommendation Form
      • You will have access to these forms during the online application process.  When giving these forms to your student’s current school, please request that these completed and signed forms are submitted directly to Brookfield School either via email or mailed directly to the campus you are applying to. Forms can be emailed directly to Amber Johnson (
  • Admissions Testing
  • Participate in a Shadow Day

We strongly encourage all students to participate in a Shadow Day at Brookfield School. This gives students an opportunity to experience what a typical day is like at the campus they are applying to. 

After those steps have been taken, our admissions team will evaluate each candidate based on the application, the candidate’s school record, teacher recommendations, interviews and academic testing.

Presidents' Week